36 inch unicycles are popping up all over the area! Four (total) of our members will have one by tomorrow afternoon. Could this be a sign of the Apocalypse or just a stage race coming to town? Uni-fied Wednesdays at the Skatepark have been going fairly well. We seem to be the only users who feel our heads are worth $30. It seems wearing a helmet isn't very fashionable to most of the multi-wheeled skatepark crowd. Apparently chicks and dudes dig scars and memory loss. Stage Race updates: We've got a small token of appreciation for participants. You'll find out soon enough. We don't have official hotel deals worked out, but they're in the works. Scoring for the race is an interesting logistical exercise- ideas are getting firmer. We've got the prize package for the winners started. Logistics leave the field for all 3 events to be capped at about 30ish riders. We've got around a dozen or so informally registered as there is no formal registration ye...